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City of Heroes: Victory

Can't recover my old account


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Hey there, I have an old City of Heroes account that I am trying to recover.  I also have an old forum account I'm trying to recover.  Both accounts were under the same email address, the one I used to start this forum account.

I've tried using the forgotten password many times, but I've never received the reset password email.  Michiyo found my old forum account, under the name ladiestorm, and sent an email trying to help me, and I received that email.  I also set up this secondary account to be able to get on the forums to get some help... I had to validate my email address, and I used the same email that I used for the original account.  Obviously I received the validation email, because I'm here.  But no matter how many times I try, I do not receive the reset password email, and without that, I can't recover my old account.  

I know my email is still active here, because when I accidentally tried to sign up, instead of signing in, I couldn't use my email, because it was already in use.

Would anyone be able to help me with this?  I desperately need some assistance.  Thank you!

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