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City of Heroes: Victory


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  2. Hello all, it is with a heavy heart I have to announce that due to hardware issues, the Victory server has been forced to shutdown. Thankfully our offsite backups were working, and I have delivered that data to the Homecoming team so they can begin the work of bringing over linked accounts to our new home with them. Please if you haven't already Link your Victory account to a Homecoming account https://cityofheroes.dev/forums/account-tools/gameaccount.html/ You will need a forum AND game account over on Homecoming to successfully link your account. With your accounts linked you will keep your characters, supergroups, Inf and items! Otherwise you will have to start fresh there. Thank you all for 5 amazing years on Victory, I've enjoyed hosting our home for everyone, I've enjoyed our interactions, and hope to see your over on Homecoming, where I am still an active part of their administrative team.
  3. Any updates when merge will occur?
  4. Hello everyone - The Spring Fling event is now live! Special missions are available from Ganymede, Scratch, DJ Zero, Jessica Megan Duncan and Arbiter Hawk in Pocket D Special Valentines tip missions will drop from any non-Incarnate enemies above level 20 Chilly and Dram are open for business in Pocket D In total: 7 badges and 7 temporary powers are up for grabs! The wiki has a comprehensive breakdown of what's on offer.
  5. Apologies, the account creation and how to play pages got disabled in a forum software upgrade, and then by a number of errors. I believe I have fixed everything and it should be good to go again!
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