Blinky Finder v0.1


Inside City of Heroes, you have to enter two commands to create the demofile (used for finding the Blinkys).

/demorecord "filename"

This command does two things:

  • If the file specified exists, then its contents will be emptied out. Otherwise, a blank file is created.
  • City of Heroes begins storing information about the game into memory.
  • The collection of data is flushed from memory into the file specified above.
  • If there wasn't a /demorecord to match this /demostop, the file is cleared.

The demo only needs to be run for a second, as we're just looking at positioning.


It is advised that you use/create two binds to make this process quicker.

        /bind ctrl+z "demorecord radar"
        /bind ctrl+x demostop

These are the recommended binds, though they can be changed as the user needs.

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